Effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers on soil properties and yield of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)

BC Kansotia, Yogesh Sharma, RS Meena


A field study was conducted at the Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Bikaner during 2010-11 Rabi
season to evaluate the effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers on soil properties and yield of Indian
mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Amongst the treatments, application of vermicompost up to 6 t/ha, and 80 kg
N+ 40 kg P2O5/ha, significantly increased yield, % protein, % oil content, and soil properties including higher
organic carbon and lower pH compared to the other treatments and control. Application of 6 t vermicompost
/ ha, and 80 kg N+ 40 kg P2O5/ha significantly increased net returns in Indian mustard crop over other
treatments. Results of this study show that use of vermicompost can minimize the quantity of inorganic
fertilizers, recycle the farm waste, and increase the physical properties of soil.

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